Learning Links International
Location: Bangor
Name: Elizabeth Millman
Job Title: Director
Learning Links International Statement of Intent
Learning Links International welcomes the breadth and diversity of tradition, belief and culture of the community. It seeks to create, maintain and promote a community in which each person is treated fairly and equally irrespective of race. Learning Links International confirms its commitment to a policy of equal opportunities in employment and service delivery. Individuals will be selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and will be given fair and equal opportunities within the Learning Links International. Equally, we confirm our commitment to treating all staff, clients, customers and service users in accordance with this policy. Learning Links International commits to adhere to the Equality Act 2010 and provide fair and equitable services to people from all race and other protected characteristic backgrounds. The aim of the policy is to ensure that no job applicant or user/ visitor/ guest receives less favourable treatment on any grounds which are not relevant to good employment practice. We are committed to a programme of action to make this policy fully effective.
Learning Links International Policy Statement
Learning Links International commits to promoting a zero tolerance to racism throughout the Learning Links International, this means that:
- We will take a stand against racism and promote a more inclusive and equal society for all.
- We will not tolerate racial prejudice, discrimination, harassment, victimisation, abuse, or violence against any individual.
- We will stand in solidarity, come together, and say no to racism, in all its forms.
- We will promote good race relations between people from diverse ethnic backgrounds in Learning Links International.
- We will promote equal and fair opportunities for people from diverse ethnic backgrounds to attain promotion.
- We will eliminate unlawful race discrimination, harassment, victimisation and abuse.
Learning Links International Responsibility
All persons at all levels have certain responsibilities. Good relations and practice and the achievement of an inclusive community depend on all members of Learning Links International treating their fellow members/ users/ visitors with respect and dignity. Therefore, all persons are expected to:
- Co-operate with measures to advance equality and diversity and to eliminate unlawful discrimination.
- Treat all members of staff in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, respecting differences.
- Not discriminating where such members might have power over others.
- Not inciting or attempt to induce others to behave in discriminatory ways.
- Not victimising or attempt to victimise anyone who has made complaints of discrimination, harassment, victimisation or abuse or who has provided information on discrimination.
- Eliminate harassment abuse or intimidation of others on the grounds of race or ethnicity, for example in attempts to discourage them from applying for vacancies or volunteering opportunities within the Learning Links International.
- Inform an appropriate person if a form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation is taking place.
- Take appropriate action where they are informed that an act or acts of discrimination, harassment or victimisation have occurred.
It is Learning Links International policy to monitor equality and diversity across all aspects of its activity. This includes:
- The admission and recruitment of staff, volunteers, members, users and visitors.
- The number and nature of complaints, grievances and disciplinary actions.
- The resignations and withdrawal rates of staff, clients, customers and/ or service users.
Monitoring in this way will reveal whether particular groups experience disadvantage and whether they receive fair and equitable treatment in relation to either their employment or their use of Learning Links International.
Where unfair practices are discovered through the monitoring process, necessary action will be taken to remedy the disadvantage.